Leslie created a line of children’s clothing that consists of designs that were created to be functional and yet enjoyable for children to wear and others to look at. The company mission is to make the best quality clothing possible at a reasonable price that children like to wear. She has been designing unique reversible […]
Since retiring almost ten years ago, I have been able to indulge my addiction to fibers–knitting, quilting, crochetting and most recently, spinning and Saori weaving. But knitting always was and still remains my first love. My mother taught me to knit when I was twelve so I’ve been knitting a long time. Until I became […]
Ah yes, the lazy days are summer have arrived and with it, all the bounty of the season. The warm weather has the farmers smiling as their summer harvest is in full swing, as we, the market supporters, receive the abundance that is offered. In addition to the overflowing fresh fruit, veggies and flowers offered, […]
The James Bay Market ~ Handmade. Homemade, Homegrown. We’ve confirmed over 60 vendors for 2012 and will continue to grow our community and extend our reach throughout the season, so come hang out at the James Bay Market; pick up some produce, a gift for yourself or a friend, a bite to eat and quench […]
As the current Manager for the James Bay Market, I am more than excited to be given the opportunity to offer the best live music, performance art and entertainment that has yet to come out of a Community/Farmers Market in the city of Victoria, BC. My motivation comes from being a lifetime music lover with […]
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