9:30-10:30 Dance Hall Players – http://issuu.com/offthewall/docs/dancehallplayers 11:15-12:45 Coastline https://www.facebook.com/CoastlineCanada 1:00-2:30 Doctor Bones Project https://www.facebook.com/DoctorBonesBlues?fref=ts Rain or Shine we are at the corner of Menzies and Superior beside the Parliament buildings. See you Saturday from 9-3.
We have been blessed with great music at the James Bay Market in Victoria. Here is the music that we have lined up for Saturday May 24th at James Bay Market. 9:30-10:30 Kate Rubin Theatre Group – www.katerubintheatre.com 11:15-12:45 Kieran Bishop www.soundcloud.com/bishop-k 1:00-2:30 The Klez www.reverbnation.com/theklez Rain or Shine we are at the corner of […]
Since retiring almost ten years ago, I have been able to indulge my addiction to fibers–knitting, quilting, crochetting and most recently, spinning and Saori weaving. But knitting always was and still remains my first love. My mother taught me to knit when I was twelve so I’ve been knitting a long time. Until I became […]
We are rolling into the fall with a line up of our favorite Rockin’ sets of great local music for all tastes. Join us rain or shine, each Saturday for some of Victoria’s greatest live music and entertainment. With the typical warmer September weather and some great toe tapping sounds the JBM is the perfect […]
Ah yes, the lazy days are summer have arrived and with it, all the bounty of the season. The warm weather has the farmers smiling as their summer harvest is in full swing, as we, the market supporters, receive the abundance that is offered. In addition to the overflowing fresh fruit, veggies and flowers offered, […]
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