January 4, 2017.
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the James Bay Market Society
Happy New Year to the Members of the James Bay Market Society!
On behalf of the James Bay Market Society Board, Larry Freeman our Breakwater Market Manager and Kate King, our James Bay Market and Dickens Fair Manager we wish to extend our best wishes to all of you for a Happy New Year. We know how much effort you have put into the Christmas and Summer Market Seasons; we hope that your time to unwind and enjoy your family and friends has been both enjoyable and restful.
Please mark your calendar, Saturday, January 21st at 12 pm the James Bay Market Society will hold its’ Annual General Meeting at the James Bay New Horizons, 234 Menzies Street, Victoria, V8V 2G7. Annual membership fees of $20 for the year 2017 will be collected and our short AGM meeting will follow at 1 pm which includes the election of the Market Board for 2017 and the passing of our operating budget for 2017.
We would like to draw your attention to yet another important event that is hosted by the JBMS and that is SEEDY SATURDAY which will take place this year on Saturday, February 18th at the VICTORIA CONVENTION CENTER. This event is a major fund raiser for the JBMS and helps us keep our vendor market fees low. We ask that you consider participating in this event by either donating some product that we will display in the JBM booth or by volunteering an hour or two of your time to help Bo and Alex with setting up and running the JBM booth on that day. If you are interested please speak to Bo at the AGM or contact her at board@jamesbaymarket.com.Or you can volunteer directly to help with the running of the event by contacting ischu121@shaw.ca. Thank you for considering doing either of the above.
Leslie has applied on behalf of the board to receive SMILE cards from Thrifty’s. For every amount that you put on that card, the JBMS will receive 5% to help cover costs of running our markets. These cards will be available at the AGM so please consider picking one up and participating in this very worthwhile program or you can contact Leslie directy at treasurer@jamesbaymarket.com for further information.
We are also looking for a new set-up person for the James Bay Market as Nathan has resigned from this position. If any member knows of someone who would be interested in applying for this position kindly have them send a resume to board@jamesbaymarket.com
In order to bring fresh ideas and perspective to our Board we need to have new members to join our Board every year. Please consider joining us!
Particularly, we want to extend an invitation to our newer members from the Breakwater Market and the Dickens Fair to come out and take an active voice in the running of our Society and Markets. Come join us for a coffee and snack and stay for our SHORT AGM.
Once again, thank you for your support of the James Bay and Breakwater Markets and the Dickens Fair.
Happy New Year to all of you.
Carole Elliott, Board Chair on Behalf of the James Bay Market Society.